News about the treatment and management of COPD, including current findings and information on promising new drugs.

Shortness of breath Donald Mahler Shortness of breath Donald Mahler

Endobronchial Valve Improves Breathing (Dyspnea)

Shortness of breath is the main symptom of COPD that typically limits physical activities and can be disabling. Relief of shortness of breath is one the key goals or treating COPD. In June 2018, the FDA approved the Zephyr Endobronchial Valve System. It is an implantable bronchial valve used to reduce over inflation of the lungs due to severe emphysema. The device consists of a one-way silicone duckbill valve that only allows air to exit from trapped areas. In the LIBERATE study, those with severe hyperinflated emphysema who received placement of Zephyr valves experienced improvements in breathlessness, activity, and psychosocial aspects for one year compared with standard of care.

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