Frequently Asked Questions
Dr. Mahler answers “real” questions
often asked by his patients with COPD
How Many Hours Do I Need To Use My Oxygen?
Dear Dr. Mahler:
For the past 2 years, I have been using oxygen since being discharged from the hospital after a COPD flare-up. I was told to use the oxygen at a setting of 2 for 24/7. However, I find this requirement somewhat onersome.
I am 72 years old and use a nebulizer for my three different medications. I also go to a maintenance pulmonary rehab program at the local hospital here in Dayton.
My question is, How many hours do I really need to use the oxygen? When I take the oxygen off for 5 - 10 minutes, my sat stays around 87-88% and my breathing is fine. I an very conscientious about using oxygen at night when I sleep.
Thanks for your answer.
Kenny from Dayton, OH