To provide practical and current information that positively affects the daily lives of those with COPD and their families.
copd NEWS
What’s New in COPD?
Dr. Mahler keeps you informed… with regular updates and news about the treatment and management of COPD, including new findings from medical conferences and info on promising new drugs and devices.
patent education
COPD Patient Videos
Watch inspiring videos of people living active lives with chronic obstructive airway disease. These videos describe their stories and important details such as correct inhaler use for individuals with COPD.
helpful answers
Answer “Real” FAQs
Dr. Mahler answers frequently asked questions (FAQs), “real” questions often asked by his patients with COPD. Each story is real, but names and locations have been changed to honor patient confidentiality.
COPD symptoms, diagnosis and treatments
Learn about the four different inhaler delivery systems used to treat COPD, including how to use them and their advantages and disadvantages.
Flare-ups/chest infections
ILearn about what causes a COPD flare-up (exacerbation) and how to prevent one.
Other treatments
Learn about treatments for COPD other than inhalers such as how much oxygen to use, the RSV vaccine, endobronchial valve in emphysema, and harmonicas.
Shortness of breath
Learn about shortness of breath (breathing difficulty) and guidance on how to breathe easier.
COPD prognosis
Learn about the variable course of COPD including possible worsening (progression) , background emphysema, lung function and breathing tests.
Other medical conditions
Learn about other medical conditions that might be associated with COPD such as coughing, clearing out mucus, atrial fibrillation, screening for lung cancer, and sexual activity.
Donald A. Mahler, M.D.
Donald A. Mahler, M.D., is Emeritus Professor of Medicine at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth in Hanover, New Hampshire. Since October 2014, he works as a pulmonary physician at Valley Regional Hospital in Claremont, New Hampshire, where he is Director of Respiratory Services.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Mahler, call the Kane Center at Valley Regional Hospital 603 542-6777.
Valley Regional Hospital is designated as a Clinical Resource Center for the the Alpha-1 Foundation.
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is a hereditary form of emphysema.